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MUNIRAH ROHAIZAN - Featured Artist


As an avid commuter, Munirah  always noticed that people seem to be disconnected when they are commuting. They are present physically, but are elsewhere mentally. Heading towards a rat race that is different for every individual, to a destination that promises security, stability and sense of belonging. It is routine for fellow commuters, leaving a place of familiarity to pursue a dream by heading towards an ‘alternative’ life.  The project focuses on the individual's personal space during the 40 minutes commuting through the 8 am weekday rush hour. It is the only time in the day that they can escape from reality within their comfort zone. By focusing only on one space, the subject is isolated from the rest of the commuters and withdraws into their own space. The series was captured using a mobile phone so as not to disturb or distract their 40 minutes of ‘escape’. The series began in 2017 and evolved in 2018, and it is still ongoing till this day.


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